Fighting Cancer with Germs


Abnormal cells, a precursor to cancer, grow in our bodies at all times. Many things lead to creating multi-nuclei cells (cancer), such as chemicals and radiation. Once these cells mutate, it’s the duty of the innate intelligence inside our body to detect the cancer cells and use its defense mechanisms to eliminate the cancer cells via the immune system. Our immune system is a learned innate intelligence response to foreign antigens, aka germs.

Immune System

The immune system starts working via a mothers breast milk, giving her baby the needed antibodies to fight off diseases while  the newborn’s immune system begins to grow. As the baby transitions from breast milk to regular foods, the newborn’s immune system takes on a bigger  role of fighting off the bacteria and viruses that assault our bodies on a constant basis. Many of the childhood diseases are considered building blocks for the immune system and provide long term immunity in most cases, such as chicken pox. The immune system studies the virus and/or bacteria and starts a library on the foreign invaders, so it will know how to react to them the next time. Part of the immune response includes a fever, extra mucus, coughing, and sneezing (symptoms), all of which are programmed responses to help the body fight off and expel the foreign invaders. As a baby weens off of breast milk, the immune system should be strong enough to handle the normal flora (bacteria present in your environment) and fight them off with minor sickness (having symptoms).

Your immune system is like a baby as it grows. It will use all of its senses to discover how a germ lives in order to recognize them and use its tools to seek them out and destroy them. According to a new study involving pacifiers in Denmark (1), when a health baby is allowed to be involved with germs, greater immune responses evolve. When a baby is subjected to a sterile environment, the immune system starts to act inappropriately. When you reach for the disinfectant and antibiotics for normal childhood symptoms, are you helping the immune system grow or are you robbing it of an opportunity to grow and become stronger?

If childhood diseases are building blocks for the immune system and they help us create a thriving foundation for our children’s immune system, should we rethink how we use products that keep us at arms length from the  childhood germs?

Chiropractic Family

Growing up in a chiropractic family, we weren’t immune to getting sick, but we empowered our bodies with the proper sleep, nutrition, hydration, and a nervous system free of interference, to allow the body to adapt and overcome the foreign antigens. By using the milder diseases as building blocks, our body’s innate intelligence has a greater ability to adapt and survive to it’s environment. Our family is rather healthy and free of most ailments that our environment is inflicting on many children today, such as diabetes, autism, allergies, asthma, reflux, migraines, autoimmune diseases, etc.

The Battle is won in  the Preparation Stage

Back to the immune system. Every day your body is fighting cancer cells by releasing white blood cells that specialize in finding and exterminating irregular cells. Our immune system should be treated like our body.

Do we like a weak, flabby, couch potato figure? How does someone achieve a flabby body? The flabby body usually didn’t require much work or a plan, it just happens from the mindset “whatever is easiest“.

Or do we gravitate to a lean, muscular, strong body?  How did the muscular/strong frame come to be?  To get a  lean, muscular, strong body, it took a plan that included a lot of work, proper sleep, good nutrition, lots of  hydration, and a nervous system with less interference.

Which type of immune system do you want, a couch potato one or a sleek, mean, green, immune machine?

When you look in the mirror tomorrow, do you see a body and immune system that looks up to the task of the day of fighting cancer cells? Or have you let yourself go a little?  Much of the USA population doesn’t have a choice when it come to fighting cancer; the first layer of the foundation was allowing a baby to come in contact with simple germs while under the protection of mom’s breast milk, but most children have seen a sterile environment and formula for nutrition. Only the outliers get the benefit from dropping their pacifier on the floor and putting it back in their mouth. The second layer of the foundation was the  the childhood diseases, but most children are vaccinated to the point that only the outliers get the benefit from having the chicken pox as a building block. The third layer of the foundation was the common bacterial infection, but most children are given antibiotics for the smallest fever, sniffle, or earache, so only the outliers get the benefit from fevers, common bacteria, and simple upper respiratory infections. In today’s society, how could we think that our bodies could fight off cancer cells when we’re destroying all of the learning experiences for immune system?

Next time you want to sterilize something, inhibit a natural function, or pop an antibiotic in your mouth, stop and ask the question “Am I really helping myself in the long term or am I sacrificing long term health for short term relief?“.

The Webster Technique for Breech Presentation

Chiropractic care benefits all aspects of your body’s ability to be healthy.  This is accomplished by working with the nervous system—the conduit of intelligence between your brain and body.  Doctors of Chiropractic work to correct subluxations (misalignments) of the individual spinal bones.  When subluxated, these bones vertebra cause dysfunction in the spinal cord and the spinal nerves causing malfunction in any part of the body.

One such dysfunction may be the tightening of pelvic muscles and ligaments producing uterine constraint.  It is these tense muscles and ligaments and their constraining effect on the uterus which prevent the baby from comfortably assuming the vertex position.  The Webster Technique is a specific chiropractic analysis and adjustment used to correct subluxations in the pregnant mother’s sacrum and pelvis.  This balances the mother’s pelvic muscles and ligaments, providing the physiological environment necessary for optimal baby positioning.

Dr. Larry Webster

The Founder of the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association, developed this technique as a safe means to restore proper pelvic structure and function for pregnant mothers.  In expectant mothers presenting breech, there has been a 75-95% reported success rate of the baby turning to the normal vertex position.  Most commonly known for its success in turning breech babies, any position of the baby other than vertex may indicate the presence of subluxation and in-utero constraint.

It has been strongly recommended by doctors trained in the Webster techniques that the specific analysis and adjustment of the sacrum, pelvis, muscles and ligaments be used throughout pregnancy to detect subluxations and prevent in-utero constraint.  If referring for a mal-presentation when chiropractic care has not been received throughout the pregnancy, the Webster Technique works best when performed prior to 36 weeks gestation.  We have had babies turn after 36 weeks, but the success rate goes down as the baby gets bigger and has less room to move.

Because of the effect the chiropractic adjustment has on all body functions, all pregnant mothers should have their spines checked regularly throughout pregnancy, optimizing health potential for themselves and their developing baby.  Chiropractic care from conception and continued after birth for both mother and child has given many families an opportunity for greater health.

Survey of Webster Technique Chiropractors –

What do Pregnancy, the Olympics, and the NFL have in common?

Pregnancy and delivery are at the top of the list for emotional, chemical, and mechanical stresses a woman will be exposed to. Dysfunction and the inability of the body to adapt can lead to complications that may require more surgical procedures that have significantly longer healing periods after delivery.

The nervous system is the command and control pathway for the brain. All functions are directly related to the ability of the body to feel and adapt to stimuli that are presented through the nervous system. The brain sends out a signal to the area of concern to change the reaction to that specific problem.

At Palmer Chiropractic, we do a complete history and a physical exam that tests for balance and symmetry while looking for areas of concern that can be corrected by an adjustment. An adjustment to the spine and or pelvis can increase the ability of the body to adapt to events to come.  Through our clinical observations with pregnant patients at Palmer Chiropractic, keeping the spine and pelvis in balance has the same effect that we’ve seen in Olympic Athletes and NFL players. Performance is increased with a greater ability to adapt to unforeseen stresses.

Currently the United States Olympic Team employs multiple chiropractors to monitor and correct imbalance in its top atheles ( ).  All but one NFL team employs one or more chiropractors to keep their atheles on the field and perform at an optimum level ( With all of these top performers getting this type of care to enhance their performance, has your Obstetrician suggested chiropractic care to you to enhance your possibility for a safer and more natural birth process?

Through our research we found these link to various articles and studies: – No known contra indication to seeing a chiropractor during pregnancy – Successful relief under chiropractic care – Chiropractic breech technique – Webster Technique  – Safe and effective

Dr. Trace Palmer is a 3rd generation chiropractor and has served on the Olympic Team as a Team Chiropractor in the Sidney 2000 Games. He currently practices in Richmond Hill, Ga with his wife Nikki. Palmer Chiropractic is a family oriented practice focusing on enhancing the lives of all Richmond Hill residents. Dr. Trace is also experienced in using the Webster Technique in turning a breech baby.