Headaches & Chiropractic

Headaches (definition) –  pain in the head which can arise from many disorders or may be a disorder in and of itself.

Most Common Types of Headaches – Tension, Cluster, & Migraine s

According to Google: Searches related to what causes headaches

A recurrent throbbing headache that typically affects one side of the head and is often accompanied by nausea and disturbed vision
Tension headache
The most common type of primary headaches. the pain can radiate from the neck, back, eyes, or other muscle groups in the body. …
Migraine headaches
A neurological syndrome characterized by altered bodily perceptions, severe headaches, and nausea. physiologically, the migraine headache is a neurological condition more common to women than to men. …
Cluster headache
A type of severe headache that tends to recur over a period of several weeks and in which the pain is usually limited to one side of the head
Cause mental or emotional strain or tension in
According to Wikipedia: the disease path that causes headaches is

The brain itself is not sensitive to pain, because it lacks pain receptors. However, several areas of the head and neck do have nociceptors, and can thus sense pain. These include the extracranial arteries, large veins, cranial and spinal nerves, head and neck muscles and the meninges.[11]

Headache often results from traction to or irritation of the meninges and blood vessels. The nociceptors may also be stimulated by other factors than head trauma or tumors and cause headaches. Some of these include stress, dilatedblood vessels and muscular tension. Once stimulated, a nociceptor sends a message up the length of the nerve fiber to the nerve cells in the brain, signaling that a part of the body hurts.[12]

According to the American Chiropractic Association:

  • Perform spinal manipulation or chiropractic adjustments to improve spinal function and alleviate the stress on your system.
  • Provide nutritional advice, recommending a change in diet and perhaps the addition of B complex vitamins.
  • Offer advice on posture, ergonomics (work postures), exercises and relaxation techniques. This advice should help to relieve the recurring joint irritation and tension in the muscles of the neck and upper back.
“Doctors of chiropractic undergo extensive training to help their patients in many ways – not just back pain,” says Dr. McClelland. “They know how tension in the spine relates to problems in other parts of the body, and they can take steps to relieve those problems.”
At Palmer Chiropractic, we work with our patients to correct vertebra that are misaligned and causing neurological dysfunction. When the nervous system is free of interference and the body can utilize the maximum ability to command and control all of the bodily functions, many of our patients complaints go away. As a chiropractor I do not treat headaches, but many of my patients who have had their vertebra  adjusted and the interference corrected, have comment how the headaches have lessened in intensity and frequency. Call today with Dr. Trace Palmer for your chiropractic evaluation.
Palmer Chiropractic
11400 Ford Ave
Richmond Hill, GA  31324

Does Breast Augmentation Lead to Hyperkyphosis and Back Pain?

Hyperkyphosis, more commonly known as hunchback, is a condition that causes exaggerated rounding up the upper spine.  In the most mild form, the spine may look relatively normal, while more aggressive forms cause the growth of a hump, severe problems with lung, nerve and organ function as well as severe pain.

 Recently, we’ve seen 3 different women (40-63 years of age) with mid-back pain that have had augmentation (5,7, & 16 years ago). All 3 females have hyperkyphosis .  The rounded appearance of the mid-back made it almost impossible for them to do wall angels (direction to follow next week) and has made them susceptible to compression fractures later in life.

In a review of literature for studies about breast implants and back pain, to our dismay very little has been published on this  issue. What surprised us more is the annual rate of increase that women are getting this surgery.

Our thoughts are that as a woman develops, the muscular frame develops with her. When a woman adds implants instantly, her frame is not equipped to handle the additional anterior (front) weight, therefore the mid back begins to develop a hump which leads to hyperkyphosis. As chiropractors, we can adjust the vertebra to increase nervous sytem function, but 90% of the postural correction is up to the patient to follow through on her exercises and ergonomic lifestyle changes. As we are dealing with problems that manifested over multiple years, each woman will have her own timetable for restoring her proper posture, 12-24 months may be a realistic goal.

If you’re concerned that this may be occuring to you, please call us and set up an appointment for a free evalualtion.

Dr. Trace Palmer

Palmer Chiropractic

11400 Ford Ave

Richmond Hill, GA  31324


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Until a long-term study is done, looking at a control group and a study group, we’ll be left with opinions.  Here are some articles that we found online:

Reduction mammaplasty: a significant improvement at any size. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17805110

Study links breast reduction to reduced back disorders “In the study, women who had breast reduction experienced decreased stress in their lower back while performing a physical activity or task. In addition, participants reported dramatic improvements in their ability to perform dynamic movements and withstand static positions.’  www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/10/091025194422.htm

“breast implants could eventually cause back pain or problems just as naturally large breasts do” http://www.breastimplantinfo.org/augment_2.html

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today announced a possible association between saline and silicone gel-filled breast implants and anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL), a very rare type of cancer. Data reviewed by the FDA suggest that patients with breast implants may have a very small but significant risk of ALCL in the scar capsule adjacent to the implant. http://www.fda.gov/NewsEvents/Newsroom/PressAnnouncements/ucm241090.htm