Frog Soup

In order to prepare frog soup you’ll need a few things:

A live frog

A kettle or pot


Now if you try to boil the water and throw the live frog into the soup, he’ll immediately jump out, but if your clever you’ll put the frog into a pot of cold water and gradually turn up the heat and he wont notice the rise in temperature till its to late and you’ll have frog soup…

This is allot like your spines, we notice the major accidents that cause us pain, but allow the slow process of degeneration to creep up on us until its too late and the neuro-surgeon says “your going to lose the ability to use your arm in the next 2 years if you dont’ have surgery”… aka your a dead frog in boiling water or Frog Soup…

The national average age for a chiropractic patient’s first visit is 47 years old. How long have you been seeing the dentist? What would your teeth look like if you saw your dentists for the first time at age 47? Why then do you wait till pain sets in or you have a traumatic accident before seeing a spine specialist – a Chiropractor? Your spine is a living thing that requires your attention.

Is back and neck pain natural? What causes it? How do you get it to go away?

If you said “it’ll go away on its own or Alieve, Tylenol, Advil, Asprin – then your in line with Eisenstein’s Definition of Insanity “doing the same thing over and over again and thinking your going to get a different result” because you never actually correct the bio-mechanical problem, you just cover it up…

By the time a child is 5 years old they’ll have 200 significant fall, occasionally these falls injure the bio-mechanics of the spine and need to be addressed just like cavities need to be filled. (I was first checked at 3 days o;d and I’ll compare my x-rays with any 44 year old male, who’s ready to take the challenge, I have over 128 stitches in my head from 4 car accidents, rugby, skateboarding, etc.)

If you’ve neglected your body for years, get up from the computer now and call your local chiropractor to be evaluated…. Are you perpetuating the Frog Soup mentality in your children?

Your health is our concern,

Trace Palmer, DC

Chiropractor – Richmond Hill, GA

Health Care versus Pain Care

In the quest of health, chiropractors move bones in your spine to maximize function. When function is maximized and the body can express 100% of its internal intelligence, health is the result. Health is the expression of your body working correctly, reacting properly to outside stimulus, and adapting to the changes in its environment. This sounds very simple but the human body is the most complex biological unit on the earth.

Nervous System

At the core of our complexity is the central nervous system made up of the brain and spinal cord, the command and control center of the body. Surrounding the spinal cord is 24 vertebra that make up a majority of the spine. In the normal human spine there are 7 cervical vertebra & 6 cervical discs, 12 thoracic vertebra & disks, 5 lumbar vertebra & discs. This structure is meant to protect and facilitate mobility for the command and control of the body, so the nerves can control all functions in the body without interference.

Injured Spine

When a portion of this spine is injured, degeneration begins unless it’s corrected and strengthened. Misaligned vertebra with soft tissue injury follow a steady path of degeneration that eventually leads to unrelenting constant pain, but there are many warning signs that get ignored. Warning signs can be as little as occasional stiffness, intermittent pain, swelling, or twitches, to more aggressive things such as weakness, more frequent pain, dysfunction of the tissue that the nerve goes to, neuralgia, etc.. If you’re taking pain relievers to dull the PAIN, you’re turning off your warning system that the body has in place to tell you SOMETHING IS WRONG.

Pain Killers

How many times a week do you take a pain killer?  a month? a year? or many years? Would you ever consider putting a band aid on an unusually dark skin blemish to cover it up for a week? a month? a year? or many years? Covering something up doesn’t deal with the problem, it just kicks the can down the road to deal with it when it’s bigger and meaner.

Natural Healthcare

Through Chiropractic care you can help maintain a healthier spine and promote overall body health, because life begins with the nervous system and ends with the nervous system.