What do Pregnancy, the Olympics, and the NFL have in common?

Pregnancy and delivery are at the top of the list for emotional, chemical, and mechanical stresses a woman will be exposed to. Dysfunction and the inability of the body to adapt can lead to complications that may require more surgical procedures that have significantly longer healing periods after delivery.

The nervous system is the command and control pathway for the brain. All functions are directly related to the ability of the body to feel and adapt to stimuli that are presented through the nervous system. The brain sends out a signal to the area of concern to change the reaction to that specific problem.

At Palmer Chiropractic, we do a complete history and a physical exam that tests for balance and symmetry while looking for areas of concern that can be corrected by an adjustment. An adjustment to the spine and or pelvis can increase the ability of the body to adapt to events to come.  Through our clinical observations with pregnant patients at Palmer Chiropractic, keeping the spine and pelvis in balance has the same effect that we’ve seen in Olympic Athletes and NFL players. Performance is increased with a greater ability to adapt to unforeseen stresses.

Currently the United States Olympic Team employs multiple chiropractors to monitor and correct imbalance in its top atheles (http://www.teamusa.org/resources/usoc-sport-performance/sports-medicine/clinics-staff ).  All but one NFL team employs one or more chiropractors to keep their atheles on the field and perform at an optimum level (http://www.profootballchiros.com/chiropractors/chiropractic-roster-by-team/). With all of these top performers getting this type of care to enhance their performance, has your Obstetrician suggested chiropractic care to you to enhance your possibility for a safer and more natural birth process?

Through our research we found these link to various articles and studies:

http://www.americanpregnancy.org/pregnancyhealth/chiropracticcare.html – No known contra indication to seeing a chiropractor during pregnancy

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2647084/ – Successful relief under chiropractic care

http://www.naturalpregnancynaturalbaby.com/2010/03/06/more-research-shows-chiropractic-can-help-with-breech-births/ – Chiropractic breech technique – Webster Technique

http://pregnant.thebump.com/pregnancy/first-trimester/qa/chiropractor-while-pregnant.aspx  – Safe and effective

Dr. Trace Palmer is a 3rd generation chiropractor and has served on the Olympic Team as a Team Chiropractor in the Sidney 2000 Games. He currently practices in Richmond Hill, Ga with his wife Nikki. Palmer Chiropractic is a family oriented practice focusing on enhancing the lives of all Richmond Hill residents. Dr. Trace is also experienced in using the Webster Technique in turning a breech baby.